Sunday, September 03, 2006

hm okay. i forgot to update yesterdayyy. :P

kayy. lets see. got up at 6.15, left the house at bout 6.45, then waited outside opposite suyi's house for people to come. so retarded. i got quite irritated cos of some sec 4 prefects who are really so irresponsible. anyway. whatever. when we (kelly gina shern and me) got there, crystal and yvonne were there. then sarah came, jo tay came, and then jokhoo. then we went to stef's house and like. haha we didnt do anything lah. like really. ahha just talked and stuff. but it was very amusing watching how slow yvonne can be. haha quite funny. haha. okay anyway. yeah then we went up to her room and the sec 4s danced. hahaah i couldnt stop laughing at kelly's pump it. ahhaha sooooo funny. ahha i got a video too! but cannot hear the music lah.

anyway. yes. haha yeah. then after that the sec 4s left, but jo and i stayed. and we watched who's line is it anyway? hahaha oh my goodness its so cracked up. its super funny lah! hahha like theyre like super super good lah. hahah. mmhmm. then after that we watched a bit of veggietales, then jo left. then we watched a bit more then left too.

then i went over to diane's place, grabbed the things, then went back to swiss club. haha crazy man. yeah. we got jo on the way, then went to suyi's. wah that pig ah! she go and spoil her own surprise lah! like we were walking towards her gate then she was standing at the window and watching us go. pfffft. ahha but yeah. then we uhm. sang for her? haha yeah and then we didnt do much. I WANT HER GUITAR. its super nice lahh. pffft man. haha. yeah then after that i left for larisa's to have meeting. haha games trial was so funny. but i shant go into detail cos im lazy. mmhmm but then yeah some problems surfaced and stuff. but im just hoping tuesday will go fine.

argh stef' leaving tonight. i still dunno if i should go down.


living room

haha dunno what stef's doing. haha.

haha dunno what they're laughing bout. probably von. haha.




hahah GINA.

stef's room

all these posters framed up. FRAMED. POSTERS.

okay so this one isnt. hahah.

jo and shern!

her wall of postcards. WHITE TACK USED:D

her uhm. shelf of things? haha i dunno. haha. all her stuff.

her guitar(:

group picture! :D yay its a nice picture. ahha no idea what crystal is doing though.

i cant seem to get the video up so maybe another time hm.


yes! i finally got a proper picture with you. hahah.

jo and diane!

the balloon me and diane got for suyi. ahha HELLO SPONGEBOB.

jess! :D

me, jo, suyi and diane!

suyi and her cake. ahhaha. a year older, but not any maturer

ew. okay, so it was my idea, but she made it gross. ahha.


sparklers! funkaye.

games trial pictures tmr

aware you're being watched every moment

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