Wednesday, April 09, 2008



Super Junior - M,终于在中国出道! 成员公开神秘影像引爆话题! 博客访问量近150万!
全亚洲当红团体 Super Junior 推出全新小组 - Super Junior-M(SM娱乐公司所属),近日终于正式公开。被临时称为Super Junior China的Super Junior-M,出道前就已在中国及整个亚洲范围内广泛引起人们关注,他们是首支由韩国人和中国人组成的男子组合,由韩国CT(Culture Technology)进行整体打造,正式进军现今中国音乐业界,以彻底实现中国本土化、成为华语乐坛最优秀明星为目标而努力。
Super Junior-M的M是普通话英文mandarin的首字母缩写,它也表示着SJ-M将以华语乐坛为舞台翱翔展翅的伟大抱负,其成员也是以在中国获得最高人气Super Junior中国籍成员韩庚为主,除始源、东海、厉旭、圭贤之外,还新加入了中国成员亨利和周觅共构成了7人组,由此更提升了他们与中国大众之间的亲密度。
Super Junior-M将与中国当地的歌手们进行竞争,积极展开各种宣传和推广活动,目标在成为中国大众音乐市场巨星的同时,引领崭新的大众文化流行。
4月中旬开始,以中国大陆为首发站,还将在韩国、中国台湾、泰国等亚洲各地区陆续发行Super Junior-M的第一张专辑《迷(Me)》,它包括在韩国及亚洲深受喜爱的Super Junior的成名曲《U》、《Don’t Don》、《Marry U》、《幸福》等歌曲的中文版,还包括了祈愿2008北京奥运会成功举办的歌曲《The One》以及《迷(Me)》、《爱你爱你(Love Song)》等五首新曲,还有翻唱自林忆莲的《至少还有你》等共计12首歌曲,吸引了众歌迷们对此专辑的期待和关注。
Super Junior-M从4月3日起通过中国门户网站搜狐(陆续公开了团名及成员身份,引起了很大关注,并在4月8日音乐风云榜颁奖盛典中以特殊客人登台献艺,为广大歌迷们带来华丽的舞台演出。

AHHHHHHHHHH. seriously. WHAT is sm doing. damn annoying know! pffffffffffft.

okay for those who dont understand/too lazy to read, the article says...

"Super Junior-M is finally making their debut in China!

"Asia's biggest pop group Super Junior now has a new sub group - Super Junior M (under the management of SM entertainment) and has finally been announced. Recently marketed as Super Junior China's Super Junior-M, their popoularity has already been growing even before their debut. this boyband consists of koreans and chinese, and ...(lazy to translate).

"the M in SJ-M stands for mandarin and represents SJ-M's chinese-related performances ....................... other than Super Junior's members Hankyung from China, Choi Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun, there are two new members from China Henry and Zhoumi, creating a 7-member group.......

"SJ-M will be competing with other Chinese stars and will be holding activities to publicise their group. .............

"in mid-april, starting from mainland China and moving to places like Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and other SE Asian countries, they will be cutting their first album 《迷(Me)》, and it will include the hit numbers Super Junior single U, Don't Don, Marry U, Haengbok plus others, all sung in chinese. other songs include the 2008 Beijing Olympics theme song The One, Me, Love Song and 5 other original numbers. there will also be a new rendition of Zhang Riin's 《至少还有你》 (at least there's still you), and there will be a total of 12 tracks, gaining the attention and anticipation of many fans.

"SJ-M will reveal their activities through the China-based website SOHU ( from 3 april onwards, and on 8 april will have a guest performance............."

ARGH. damn annoying. like who the heck is the zhoumi fellow lah! ahhhhhhh. so grossssssssss.))))):

SJ's not SJ anymore. now there's like trot (which is really okay), K.R.Y. (which is okay too cos they can sing) and now M (which is NOT okay).

now got two more chinese members, and the whole dynamics of SJ is totally different now! where's kangin!))):

argh. whatever lah. damn sian lah they. but i'm surprised grace is willing to listen to sj songs. HAH.

aish. i'm still quite annoyed. henry looked SO much better in don't don cos you cant friggin see his face lah. he actually looks quite weird. and he didnt sing! he play violin only okay! although half of sj can't sing either but stiiiiiilll. and the zhoumi guy looks damn weird also. AIYAR.

ORIGINAL Super Junior Single "U"

SJ-M cover of "U"

the only good thing bout the new vid is donghae gets more screen time and he raps in chinese! how cool is that. and he looks exceptionally good compared to the rest. urgh. kyuhyun looks damn weird. and ryeowook looks as girly as ever. hahha seriously. sorry sien. haha but he does luhh. ohh and you get so distracted trying to read what they're singing that you hardly even watch them dance. so disappointing!): and donghae's chinese is really not bad!:D but eh. all the rest like crap.

(many pictures koped from sien's blog:D)

ooh whoo siwon galore. haha. there are siwon gifs but it's all on siens blog so they cant be viewed by public! haha ohh well.

ahh okay. i will write about ft and bb another time then.

aish. sj-m.

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