selling NEWS' 3rd album color.
brand new, totally unopened cd. the plastic wrapping is still on as you can see below. it's the limited edition shipped in straight from Japan and it's being sold for $50! which is quite a bit cheaper than what hmv is selling for and cheaper than what it was bought for. if you're interested or know of anyone who's interested, you can drop me a comment with your email (or if i know you just tell me and i'll get in touch with you) and then we'll see howwww!((:
front (excuse the ugly background):
back (you can see my cat!):
water droplet to show that the outer plastic covering is still on hahah:
okay okay sorry for the incredibly late update although i dont think anyone really reads this lousy thing anyway. lots of things to blog about: kelong, youth camp, china, cc retreat, sleepover at yihui's, losers steamboat, jakk bbq and today. ohh and results? yeah.
unfortunately im not in the mood to post pictures. but i dont have much cept from kelong and china. okay china got quite a lot. kelong pictures are i dunno where. but yes i will just talk bout each one first although its crazy 3:35am and i have two major things to do tmr.
kelong was lots and lots of fun. i think it was the first time i seriously enjoyed myself with my family in a looooong time. maybe a first time actually. cos SOME people werent there lah haha. yes im mean, but its true. anyway. yeah when we got there, there wasnt much to do at first. we went fishing and to be honest, it was incredibly boring. (im sorry oh-chan! but i have no idea why he likes fishing so much.) and its not easy either. i felt a bit stupid waiting for fish that didnt exist. playing with the dogs were more fun ahha.
anyway yes for most of the rest of the trip it was mainly in the water lah. like riding banana boat, kayaking, jet ski, swimming etc. it was fun lah and the seafood there is seriously fresh. and i got to see joash! he's like this 3 or 4 year old boy who is suuuuuuuuuuper cute. pictures later or another day lah. he's just cute. ohh and we got to see fireflies too! it's super cool. like one crawled on my hand. and when you see it in the light, it actually looks like a baby cockroach which is kinda gross but they're much cooler. than cockroaches.
youth camp! fun fun and more fun. the theme for groups was transformers. and i was in ironhide! all the way mansssss. anyway yes. my group was seriously the best. we were the only group that stayed consistently within the top two throughout the whole camp which is super cool. but we were a strong team! and i think we had the best tl and atl. sien and fangyi are the craziest leaders ever.<333 but it was fun that our motivation everyday was mattress. motivations do wonders, really. at first when i saw the groupings, i was ultra scared cos i only knew sien, rhoda, steph and fangyi. and like samuel and adalric were in my group also. and i totally didnt know them and judging from the previous youth camp, i was a bit scared lah. but they turned out to be suuuuper nice people. and samuel even carried my bag for amazing race!:D my ultra-heavy-dunno-what-i-put-inside-that-made-it-weigh-5-kg backpack that jiap lent me. thank you sam!((:
im not gonna go into detail cos thats nuts. but games were fun, food wasnt too bad and most importantly, the meeting with God was incredible. somehow he made everything work out. from me declining to become a leader all the way until i came home and fell asleep. of course, the camp wasnt perfect. there were still times when i felt down and alone and stuff, but somehow God has given me something else to make up for it. and im really really thankful. i dont think the experience this time got me as excited as the previous one did, but somehow this time i feel that i want to get more involved in youth and God has presented me opportunities! so im really thankful. the next thing would be to get down to doing my tasks. -.- God please help!
CHINA WAS NUTS! i was really really upset a lot a lot of times cos of smoke and uncivilised chinese (i cant believe i came from there!) the chinese in china seriously need to learn etiquette or i tell you imma beat them up one day. smoke like crazy, push like crazy, and they whack their mouths off like anything lah. they dont think twice bout what they say and what they do. as long as it's okay in their eyes. stupid cheena people.
the only good things bout china is the cheapiority of food and most goods and weather. oh and foot massage that makes me snore. everything else sucks. except for window of the world. hahah. i'll blog more bout china when i put the photos up. probably the next time i blog. i'll try to do it soon!
cc retreat! i lurrrve my cc. they make me so happy. hahaha but it really was an awesome gathering. i am amazed by the amount of rubbish we can talk about lah. like jia ni, xiaohui, salad and i spent the whooooole (almost) day talking and talking and talking. like we sat in jiani's room for like. 4 hours? and we just kept talking and talking. and even when we went to sann's place, we still talked haha. and the next morning over breakfast we still talked.
one thing that surprised me bout the cc was the christmas presents that they brought. i thought i would be the only one, but like lesley, lyddie, salad and maisie all gave and honestly, i was shocked. i really was. ahhhhh i love them soooooo much<3 and its amazing how although we dont see each other for lengths of time, we dont really drift or anything. ahhhhhh im glad the people who make up the cc are in the cc.((:
had sleepover at yihui's on monday! supposed to watch little nyonya (which i dont) but i went late anyway cos i was doing the laundry. but yes the sleepover was fun and im glad i went! (thanks for the advice xiaohui!) it was super uda uda (more than the cc, salad!) like when i went, then we started playing bridge. we watched the prestige (which to me was like HUH?), i learnt how to play german bridge thanks to yingen! and at like 3plus we called in macs. we're damn siao lah. in the end pris, yongen and adriel slept at 5+ and then yihui, yingen and i talked until bout 6.30. siao lah.
next morning woke up at bout 10 plus. i went down to school at 12 plus cos kim said her class playing pe. so we played one game of floorball then they wanted to leave school so we went buddy and then holland. ohh and kim and i applied for jobs at cold rock. ahhah damn funny. and sophia became my guarantor. hahha. and then had losers steamboat dinner! thiam, joan and i are really the best losers. we decided to have a budget of $6 per person. so about $20 in total. in the end it came up to like $11.70 per person. we are super loser lah! we bought soooo much food and we ate sooo much. for like 2hours lah! but after that we went to the playground. which, to be honest i got a bit scared. i dont like the dark. then after that went home.
jakk + carriser barbecue! ahha it was quite fun lahhh just that it started a bit late. i went out with july in the late morning for brunch at hv. ohh and i also met pastor andy there! hahah. then wah, july and i also talk until crazy. its fun lah, to be able to talk rubbish with someone even though yall havent seen each other for so long. then after that we went to school to disturb teachers and stuff. then i went over to joan's at 4.50. i was 50 minutes late and i was the earliest. stupid people lah come so late. in the end we started at like 6plus? and for the first time, abigail was helping and not just eating. ahaha. but it was fun lah, like cooking and eating. although we didnt really sit down and talk or anything. gatherings are fun. ((:
and kim and i found possible future jobs! kim says we should set up a post-bbq cleaning company. we should charge damn high. ahha but i think people will hire us (especially lazy people) cos usually people dont like to clean up after barbecues. hahha good job opportunity. so yes. in the end i got home at like 11+. quite late lah.
today! met kim at dhoby ghaut and then went to heartland mall. damn retarded. supposed to cook for her today, we ended up eating pizza hut and she treated me. ahha. then we went to her house and watched a double shot at love. it's quite an amusing show, but quite scary at the same time. then we talked. wah recently ive been talking a lot eh. haha yeah i got a bit more updated on the scandals ahha and yes. i feel like i havent seen vicky for incredibly looooong. so today was fun.
after that i went for cell and then for mariko's barbecue. so retarded cos the people who left the latest were cell people. hahah so for me, it turned out to be more of a cell thing rather than a mariko and friends thing. but anyway naomi cooks very well! like seriously well. and mariko is plain cmi hahah. after that we just sat and TALKED somemore (i really got nothing better to do. maybe i just like talking.) bout youth camp and church and etc. it was quite fun lah, just to sit and talk. at least you dont feel tired. we talked from like 11+ all the way till 2. we left at like 2:06 according to my watch. crazy.
so yes im still awake now and this post is too long for its own good cos no one is gonna read it. pictures another day! results on monday and i dont feel like going. im really considering ponning but then i know people will get upset at me and i need to be brave and face reality!
i havent seen many people throughout the whole holidays. like grace and tian. and various various people. im missing yall!
all rights. im shagged. i got things to do tmr i shall leave it as it is here!((:
ahh i wanted to watch maou tonight.
edit/my dawh gave me undies for christmas! i dont know what to say.
edit//unfortunately, looking back at my previous posts, my hols have not been productive at all. (see 26 Nov 08 [happy ohno day!:D])
edit///note to self: 25th Jan
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