aiyarrrrrrrrr soooooo many things to do.)):
but im procrastinating soooo much.
anyway. i really hope im able to finish up everything.
not much lah. met kim in the morning on friday. thank you for the talk dearie. it really helped.<3
after that met abby, joan, suyi and carisser for lunch, went to joans house, learnt how to play intro for an jing on the piano! hahahah. abigail you suck take so long to learn! hahaha.
after that went for cell. a lottttt of people. and giselle joined our cell.((:
saturday afternoon went to nyam's place for charmaine and louise farewell party. the sec 2s are a rather quiet bunch. hahaha. except for a certain princess. hahaha. but yeah it was lots fun. hahah. went for cell after that. only 5 of us! so sad lah. but we had a GET TO KNOW PAT TIME and we got a lottttt of info. (:<
hahaa but anyway. yeah. COS today was super good! the kids were awesome. and i have a new favourite kid! but he's like damn pai lah. hahaha. but yeah.
parents know bout the camera. got a friggin bad scolding. thats all im saying.
i need to go back to God. i need to refocus my life. i need to do a lot of things. and i will do it with God's grace.((:
i'll sing to you Lord a hymn of love
for Your faithfulness to me