had high tea with jie and mum at raffles hotel, tiffin room. the food there.. well selection is limited, but its good. its filling, and fulfilling. i didnt eat the whole day cept for one waffle and a bottle of milo just so i could eat more at the buffet. and it was damn good.((:
well, school sucks. i hate (half) my class. like with a burning passion. i dont think ive ever hated anyone as much before. not even **********. hahah no just kidding. the ******* doesnt mean anything.
I REALLY WANT MG LIFE BACK. ac life sucks. for now it does. im still trying to find my place and purpose in ac. like, is it really where i'm supposed to be? and i was just thinking today, maybe im actually really made for poly. but at least im talking to tim and daniel more. and i hate guys who think they're so cool. and swearing is cool. cos its not and plain rude and you act like you have no parents and no childhood and i pity you cos you have limited vocabulary. and i have a useless chairperson, and nobody in my class seem to be competent enough to plan any event. SAD. there is like absolutely zero potential in the (half of the) class. ch.
the dsa and appeal students seem to be fitting in more than the posted students. wonder why?
many things have been going on. first term of school has been pretty crazy. i need to sit down and think my life through. i need to use this march holidays to piece my life back together. find time to spend with God, family, friends and homework.
i've been feeling so purposeless lately. and it doesnt really help that a lot of times i dont feel like talking. im really okay. i mean, if i was going to die tmr, i'll definitely let you know. i promise.
i hope i recover from this awful flu soon! i dont want to miss jakk dinner, and i really dont want to be sick the rest of the holidays. why couldnt my flu come either earlier or later. just has to be at the start of the holidays.
i guess starting from term 2 onwards i'll have a lot less time. many things to look forward to, but probably less social time. well, give and take i guess. but one thing that i really wanna improve would be my class. cos now, it's just awful. but, let's start afresh. let's give everyone a chance. afterall, i dont wanna complain for two years and feel all gross while everyone else has fun. tch.
God has taught me 3 lessons over the past week or so: 1) He ALWAYS answers prayers 2) He works in His own timing 3) whatever i try to do will be futile in the end, because He plans my way
i hope this can be an encouragement to someone who might need it at any point in time.
many things to take care of, but things will work out fine. somehow.
earthwired on saturday! PATIENCE! i really kinda like my group. although we're not superbly close or anything, but everyone really gave their best during the games and no one withheld or anything. and i made quite a few new friends, who are really really nice. the whole event was a blessing. i dont know how long we will be able to stay in touch, but we'll see what happens.((:
i'll plan out my week here so i dont forget: monday: SEE DOCTOR. post letter. meet hinann for lunch. hand in econs tutorial. do homework. meet kim at 5pm at 6th ave. jakk dinner. tuesday: vanesa's house at 10am. math tuition with tian at 3pm. run at night. wednesday: class party(?). mgs at 6.30 pm. thursday: bubble tea date with peanut! homework day. run at night. friday: go out with lesley saturday: cosunday meeting. cell (or maybe not). run at night if no cell. sunday: church. no plans yet.
ughhh then school. it seems like im going to be eating quite a lot during the holidays ohh dear. i need to continue running. 2.4km trial for mass pe. crap.
on a happier (or not) note, utaoni has ended! i really really enjoyed the show. it brought me lots of joy. and well, i dont think ohno needed to act much as kenta, but the parts which he did, i felt he did very well. or maybe im just ohno inclined.
yatterman! come to singapore pleeeease! ahh crap. i'd really really like to watch on the big screen. siiiiiiiiiiigh.
that reminds me, i havent done my drama post ohh dear. i keep procrastinating. but soon! i hope.
believe on yes933 just now. it felt nice, being able to hear arashi on a singaporean radio channel. i was hoping they would play kn,k but nope, they didnt. maybe next week, hopefully?
SUJU NEW ALBUM IS OUT AFTER ETERNITY! i need to get back into them man. and haha, arashi and dbsk appeared together on music station! :D the japanese are SO small. poor nino. 17yearold.
edit/I AM HAPPY!
hahaha ohh man they all look so different! i found it quite hard to recognise some of them, namely hankyung cos he had those stupid sunglasses on so i kept wondering who it was.
kangin doesnt get a close up until like 1:58. pfft. and oh gosh, he needs a haircut. kibum too.
donghae! hahah he looks the same!
everyone looks quite good (even kyuhyun whom i still think looks a bit weird) except for ryeowook and sungmin. hahaha sorry sien! but they really look quite bad.
im really really glad for them cos they've improved so much! like their dance steps and timing and its not easy with 13 people okay! i mean, NEWS can't even do it properly with 6
mmmmm MAYBE this will get me back on the korean track. i'm really really happy for em though!:D
Found a reason to be strong You are the one Always in my heart, my friend Every time you call my name I will be there No matter how far, we are friends