Saturday, November 06, 2010

it's been a long time

what am i doing one day and two nights before my a levels. seriously.

but, its good to destress. not that i'm actually really stressed (which is kind of worrying), but well, i take comfort in knowing that there's a Higher Purpose.

so many things have happened the past few years, and well, now's not really the time to do that, perhaps during Christmas, if there's time, but i know i've grown, mentally, emotionally (or maybe not) and definitely spiritually. i've been so blessed the past two years, it's been an incredible journey watching God's hand work in my life and even as i reflect, knowing and realising and learning how God's plan is so amazing.

and now, it's finally going to come to an end. i've had so many different phases in my life, and this blog has seen me through so much (90% cept for the past two years hahah) of it. i wonder if i'm ever going to delete this baby. maybe i'll keep it forever and publish it as a book for myself as a birthday present hahah. but let's see what happens to this blog over the next few years. what with fb and twitter and skype etc. but i'm traditional; i'll stick to blogging and emailing. how cost effective. well, not like the other sites actually cost money, but they are so time consuming. FB ESPECIALLY. it's awful, i could like play games on it all day long.

anyway, it was just supposed to be an update in case they suspend my account, which i highly doubt so. lj might though; oh dear.

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