Monday, July 31, 2006

omg today is the earliest ive gone home in 2 years. (: im proud of myself.

this is a really really late post. but heck. 1 week. my record. even my hiatus wasnt that long. haha. but anyway. musical is over. im like, glad cos theres nothing to worry bout anymore, but im missing it. like, nic and gis too. ahha and we stole gabriel's feathers. haha. quite funny lah. but yeah i think it was overall a great job, so well done! i would do my thanks now, but got no time. this is a brief update. (:

yepp then omg the worst thing and the best thing happened to me this morning. like at midnight around there or something. ahha. yeah omg like seriously. ahha but its very private, so i shant mention it. but i cried. haha. cried really really bad. aiyar, it was mainly my fault lah. for being so insensitive and stupid, but im glad its all over and its even better than before. omg, its been on my mind all day lah. i cant seem to get it outta my head. EH. but anyway.

thanks for always being there! like really. thanks for being so patient and caring and encouraging. im really so sorry i hurt you without realising it. i didnt know it would cause such a great impact. you matter a lot to me, honestly. and you're not insignificant. im really glad you confronted me and that its all over and we're a lot closer now. closer than before! ahha and yeah, like you said, after what we went through last night, its soooooo much that we cant possibly fall out anymore. ill always remember that night k. and im really really glad you think we're close. its cool. thanks for everything. and i mean, everything. ahha. im just really really glad we managed to resolve it, or i think we'd just turn enemies and hate each other for life. i really really treasure the times we spent together, and i really meant it as a joke. haha i love you for caring so much about me and thank you so much for telling me cos i know it takes a lot of courage. and im really surprised that you know me so well but sometimes it seems like i barely know you. i really should spend more time with you hm? haha. its just been really fun with you around. thanks so much for everything.

that aside, i need to rant.

omg i really cant believe how annoying you are. i mean, why cant you just be there for me for at least once? just once. thats all im asking. ONCE. but no, you NEVER are. youre always coming up with some stupid excuse to not listen to me. when im trying to talk to you. so much for all that ill be there for you shit. i really wish sometimes i wasnt so patient. especially with you. when you deserve it the least. why am i always the one listening and you the one talking? why cant you just shut up for once and listen to me? you dont even let me tell you advice. its really annoying. you dont know what ive done for you and you dont appreciate it. and when i finally try to talk to you, you come up with some stupid excuse to not listen to me. i dont need a friend like you. i think im better off without a friend like you, in fact. then i wont have to worry and think so much and get emo over nothing. i really wish youd just go away. i wish i didnt know you. i wish you didnt come into my life. leave me alone. just go away. youre caring so much more bout popularity than you treasure your friendship. whats the point of carrying on this friendship then. id rather not.

go figure.

no, its two completely different people. the first one has been there for me for as long as ive known her, the second one hasnt. pffffffft. i hope you find out who you are.

no joan, btw, its not you.

oh pfsh. go and die. whoever you are.

eh if i sleep later than 1130 tonight, i wouldnt have rested slept for 24 hours.

omg omg omg. i hate flim. i mean, she tells us after chapel today that we're doing next week. thanks a whole lot, you know. omg how are we supposed to get ready! omg lahh. but anyway, congrats to 2m for a successful chapel! it was good, praise the Lord!(:

hm this is what i have left to do by tonight:
1. key skills in compre prac paper 8
2. home ec
3. chinese ying yong wen
4. chinese worksheet
5. research for art.

reasonably okay, im just really glad i finished geog and lit. though lit was not exactly the best, but yeah. got back physics today. 18.5. average lah. omg and i got so irritated today lah omg. ms yeo is awful. she refused to let us go for recess! like omg, just to finish her practical. and she even ate into physics! how mean. and we were all like starving and everything. pfffffffft.

okay, maybe not all. i wasnt. but its my class. so yes. but flim let us go for 1/2 hr. the nicest thing shes ever done. hahaha. man im mean. but anyway. yes. omg omg omg i have to complain about math. like omg, you know they deleted the heymath set language and notation lessons! like omg i havent seen them lah! so now meiyan has to tutor me. pfsh. i feel so stupid. but thank you popssssssssss. :D yay i love you.


heh. now im pissed off at a few people. eeerreeeeeeeeetateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng. pfshbeyewrkniflamsdohesfoerkrt. bleargh.

eh kayaking tmr<3! ahhah im excited. (: photo-taking on wednesday and drama elections (hopefully) on wednesday tooo. chinese test on friday and physics test in about 2-3 weeks time. ahha. oh well.

i wish people's internets/wireless would work properly cos it really getting quite annoying seeing the pop ups. i see one like every 5 seconds and if im lucky, 6 seconds. haha okay so im exaggerating, but really! ahha. oh well.

STDLC OMG OMG OMG. mwehehhehehhe desmond hotness. haha.

ooh fop this weekend! dree wants me to go with her church but i dunno. may feel kinda weird and if i go, then id be missing meiyan's church for like 4 weeks. *gasp* ahhhh howwww. and i kinda wanna go on friday too cos its the first night but got no one to go with then sunday may be going with stef and gis but omg, i dont even know if i can go omgggggggg. die larhhhh. hahah oh well. its time to leave it to God. (:

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