Saturday, November 05, 2005

hm. my bolds arent working. but nevermind

hahahahahah! i just found my new love for ducks and grey. :DDD and my alter ego as well. found out how much i actually love myself. haha. i was kinda looking for a skin where there are rubber ducks in the bathtub but [blogskins] gave me crap. so this was the nicest one i could find and i figured that when white mixes with black (the sock) it becomes grey. : D! does that count. nevermind. it fufills my "criteria".(if i even had any)

yay. love my new phone. well its kinda my dad's but wth i took it and now it mine. ha! fonts too big though. heh.

i was supposed to come up with a brief proposal for prefects handbook but since i didnt know how to do it, and kelly went for church retreat, oh well. yvonne can do it i guess. sorry andree! bully your mentor. haha.

man. it was so long ago but i love your grandparents day cards, dawn, andree and grace! thanks so much. hhaa. you guys just made me feel older. a lot older. oh well.

humph. damn blog took me like friggin long. stupid computer kept hanging. ugh.

i hate kelly for giving me tic tac lemon mint sweet. i'm addicted to it!!! like half the containers already gone and she gave it to me only yesterday! oh dear.

i was gonna say something but i kinda forgot.

heh. painfully, the hols are terribly boring. haha. i din know vicky and jambu watched the frog who turned into a prince. mum scolded me yesterday cos i din let her watch portrait of home. i mean. who'd wanna watch that terribly gay show? HEH. my mum.

SURVIVORRR!!! shit mans. i can't believe brandon got out. i wanted jamie to go. he's such an assmouth. so annoying. and they're supposed to be one tribe now man. ONE TRIBE YOU HEAR JAMIE!!! 4 against 6? trash. this is like internal conflict (courtesy of history hah) they're all gonna die mans. but i really hope jamie will get kicked out next. please please please. it was almost a tie. heh.

anys. hm. i've written long enough yeah. havent written in eons. thats why all this crap is coming out. heh.

my cat just shat. ew. heh.

i just realised my blog time is screwed. haha. heck. fix it another time. >D

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