Wednesday, November 23, 2005

what of the kitchen then? what will you do about it?

i think its time for shedding.

just realised how similar nicole and i are. heh, sux. i think we should all die.

sometimes. i really feel that i need to confide in someone. but no one's there. i suppose they dont really notice how you're feeling cos you're putting on a mask and everything. i guess that's fine, everyone has a mask. its whether they wear it or not. the only problem with a mask is that when you cry, the mask rusts. and you cant wear it anymore until you've polished it again. its a long and painful period when polishing your mask. if you dont repair it properly, it rusts easily.

its sick. you wanna get your message across but you dont know how to put it into words. and it really doesnt help that your friends arent noticing your ... feelings. ok so maybe i'm an emo kid. but i'm trying shit.

told myself so many times that i have to be strong but i cant. i just cant. i dont know. i need to talk to someone. anyone, or at least i want to. but i'm supposed to be strong right? i'm not to show my weak side arent i. wanna rip my hair off sometimes. i dont appreciate pity. perhaps empathy. i need a counsellor.

i'm sorry suyi for being so rude to you the other day about thiam. i'm really really sorry k. i didnt mean to say like those words. i suppose i was kinda under pressure and it just came outta jest, and i'm really really honestly, sincerely sorry. friends?

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